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Te for all

Introducing Assel Saparova , our first guest at Tea for All!

Learn about her journey to knowing new cultures and understanding herself.

Enjoy this talk that was carried out with great dedication and love for you and the entire GenEve community. Love yourself and take care of yourself.

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Enjoy the different talks we give to women who share their life experiences with us, with the aim of offering information and teachings that help you improve and reinforce the wonderful being that you are.

Remember that you are not alone, we are a community focused on promoting integral female well-being and mutual help.


¡Disfruta de esta charla en Té Para Todas! con una invitada muy especial: Patricia Devia Angarita, autora del libro "Conciencia de la Lepra". Ella comparte su historia y que la inspiró a escribir este libro. Participa con tus comentarios y comparte.

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